Ron Klein - We Just Can't Afford Him Anymore


Date: Sept. 30, 2008
Location: Boca Raton, FL

Ron Klein - We Just Can't Afford Him Anymore

Lt. Col. Allen West gave the following statement concerning the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and the inability of our Congress to address the economic issues facing our nation:

"The recent failure by Congress to pass a $700 billion bailout has proven that they deserve the name, "Do-nothing Congress". It was clear from the beginning that most Americans did not support this bailout. Many Congressmen like my opponent, Rep. Ron Klein, assumed the American people weren't supporting the bailout because of ignorance and an inability to, "connect the dots" concerning the economy. But the American people are more intelligent than he gives them credit for.

The American people stood in shock as Treasury Secretary Paulson hit them with a $29 billion bailout of Bear Stearns that was supposed to stabilize the markets. It didn't. So Congress threw a $300 billion housing bailout and a $150 billion stimulus package on the backs of tax payers, hoping that would stabilize the markets. It didn't. Secretary Paulson came back, once again, with hat-in-hand asking for another $200 billion to save Fannie and Freddie in order to stabilize the markets. It didn't work. Paulson then spent $85 billion to save AIG. The markets never stabilized, and the "final" solution Secretary Paulson devised was a three page document asking Congress for a $700 billion bailout. A majority of the House couldn't go along with this, and a breakdown in leadership ensued.

Yet, "Bailout Ron" and many Congressmen aren't satisfied with the $1 trillion in bailouts they've supported over the last two years. If reelected, they have announced support for more than $800 billion in new spending. The people of this great nation are sick and tired of elected officials having only one answer to every problem: taxpayer funded bailouts. Especially when the current slew of bailouts are nothing more than a lazy attempt at solving serious fundamental issues with our economy.

The answer to gaining the confidence and trust of the American people: work day and night on legislation that addresses the fundamental problems of our economy. This notion that the American people should throw $700 billion down a ditch and hope their lawmakers come back next year to fix everything is ludicrous and unacceptable. Congressmen like Ron Klein need to step aside if they are not willing to do the hard work needed to promote growth and prosperity. I look forward to putting America back on the road to prosperity if elected. And I promise to never put the financial future of our children and grandchildren in jeopardy through dereliction of duty or refusal to uphold the ideals that have made us the greatest nation in the world."
